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Billings method: what it is, how to use it and advantages


The Billings ovulation method, basic pattern of infertility or simply Billings method, is a natural technique that aims to identify the woman's fertile period from observing the characteristics of the cervical mucus, which can be perceived as soon as it enters the vagina, making it possible to prevent or attempt a pregnancy.

The presence of mucus indicates female hormonal changes and, according to the characteristics, it can inform the woman if there are chances that fertilization will occur more easily and if the body is ready or not to receive a pregnancy. Learn more about cervical mucus and what it indicates.

Although the Billings method is effective and useful to inform the days when sexual intercourse should or should not be, according to the couple's desire, it is important that condoms are still used, because in addition to being contraceptive, it protects from several infections that can be sexually transmitted.

How to do the Billings method

Billings' method is based on the characteristics of cervical mucus. For this, it is important that before being used in fact, the woman makes observations in order to identify how is your mucus in the fertile period and in the infertile period. In order to do the Billings method, in addition to observing, it is recommended that the woman make a daily note if there is mucus and what its consistency is, and she must make this record daily, as well as the record of the days on which she had sexual intercourse. It is also recommended to observe the vaginal secretion whenever using the toilet paper after urinating or defecating, making the record afterwards.

Normally, in the fertile period the woman feels wetter in the region of the vulva, which is the outer part of the vagina, in addition, the mucus becomes thinner and clearer, which represents the peak of fertility and if on this day, or if in the next 3 days, the egg is fertilized the woman will become pregnant, but if it doesn't, there will be another hormonal discharge and in a few days, about two weeks later, the woman will be menstruating and a new cycle will start. Some women report that mucus in the fertile period is similar to egg white, while others report that it is more consistent. Therefore, it is important that before the method is actually applied, the woman knows how to recognize the consistencies of mucus during the menstrual cycle.

To prevent women from getting confused, whenever using the Billings ovulation method, you should not take hormonal medications, apply spermicides, insert objects or do internal exams in the vagina as these can cause changes in the cervical mucus, making it difficult for the woman to interpret. However, more experienced women who use this method for months at a time may find it easier to identify changes in their cervical mucus that can be caused by external situations like these or even diseases.

Although many women use this method to get pregnant, it is also possible to use it to prevent pregnancy, being recommended for this:

  • Having intercourse on alternate days during the days when the woman feels that her vulva is dry, which usually happens on the final days of menstruation and the first days after menstruation; Not having intercourse during menstruation as it is not possible during this period check the consistency of the mucus and if it corresponds to fertility. Although the probability of pregnancy occurring after intercourse during menstruation is low, the risk exists and can compromise the effectiveness of the billing method; not having intercourse when you feel very wet and up to 4 days after the start of the wet sensation.

It is not recommended to have intimate contact without a condom when you feel that the vulva is naturally wet or slippery throughout the day because these signs indicate the fertile period and there is a high chance of pregnancy. Thus, during this period sexual abstinence or using a condom to avoid pregnancy is recommended.

Is the Billings ovulation method safe?

Billings' ovulation method is safe, scientifically based and recommended by the World Health Organization, and, when performed correctly, protects against unwanted pregnancies by up to 99%.

However, teenagers and women who are not paying attention to their menstrual cycle daily should choose another contraceptive method, such as a condom, IUD or birth control pill, for example to prevent unwanted pregnancies, since for the Billings method to be safe, to be aware of the mucus present in the vulva every day, noting its changes daily, which can be difficult for some women due to work, study or other occupations. Here's how to choose the best contraceptive method.

Advantages of using this method

The advantages of using only this method to get pregnant or not to get pregnant are:

  • It is a simple and easy method to be applied; No need to use hormonal medications that have unpleasant side effects such as headache, swelling and varicose veins; Greater control over changes in your body by being attentive daily to what happens in your intimate region; Security having sex on the right days to avoid the risk of becoming pregnant.

In addition, knowing the basic pattern of infertility allows you to know the days when a woman can have sex without having the risk of becoming pregnant, without having to use any contraceptive method, observing only the body's signs daily.

Billings method: what it is, how to use it and advantages