Home Bulls Wearing cheap sunglasses can harm eye health

Wearing cheap sunglasses can harm eye health


The use of cheap sunglasses does not always impair vision, as almost all types of glasses, even those without a known brand, which are sold in clothing stores, for example, have effective protection against ultraviolet rays that burn the eyes, just like the skin.

However, sunglasses that are excessively cheap, such as those sold in street vendors, are of very low quality and, therefore, in most cases have very low or nonexistent UVA and UVB protection, which affects vision more. than when nothing is used.

Discover the 7 benefits of sunglasses with polarized lens.

Because low-quality glasses can impair vision

Glasses that do not have adequate protection only reduce the amount of light that passes through the lens to produce an effect similar to that of normal glasses and allow you to open your eyes on the street when walking in the sun.

But, by reducing only the light that passes through the lenses, the glasses forces the pupil of the eyes to expand so that one can see correctly "in the dark". This causes a greater amount of UV rays to be absorbed by the dilated eye, making vision worse than if glasses were not used.

How to choose the right sunglasses

As ultraviolet light is invisible, it is not possible to know if it is passing through the lens of the glasses and, therefore, it is not true that darker lenses protect better than lighter ones.

Thus, to choose the safest sunglasses it is recommended to buy reference brands such as Ray-Ban, Chilli Beans or Lupa Lumpa as they have quality standards that always guarantee glasses with the correct protection.

However, if you choose to buy other brands it is important to check if they have the seal of approval against UVB and UVA radiation.

Wearing cheap sunglasses can harm eye health