Home Symptoms Lack of calcium: symptoms and how to increase absorption

Lack of calcium: symptoms and how to increase absorption


The lack of calcium in the body, also called hypocalcemia, usually does not cause any symptoms in the early stages. However, as the condition worsens, various signs and symptoms may begin to appear, such as bone weakness, tooth problems or heart palpitations. In addition, with the lack of calcium, diseases such as osteopenia, osteoporosis or rickets, for example, may also start to appear.

Calcium is a fundamental mineral for the proper functioning of the body, mainly for the functioning of the nervous system and bone health, and is present in various foods such as yogurt, milk, cheese, spinach, tofu and broccoli, which must be consumed daily to maintain an adequate amount of calcium in the body.

Symptoms of lack of calcium

Symptoms related to the deficiency of this nutrient in the body are:

  • Lack of memory; Confusion; Muscle spasms; Cramps; Tingling in the hands, feet and face; Depression; Hallucinations; Bone weakness; Irritability, nervousness and anxiety; Increased blood pressure; Caries and frequent tooth problems.

The diagnosis of lack of calcium in the body is made through a conventional blood test, however, to find out if the bones are weak, it is necessary to perform a test called bone densitometry. See how bone densitometry is done.

Main causes of lack of calcium

The main causes of lack of calcium in the body are low intake of foods rich in this mineral, hormonal changes and hypoparathyroidism. However, some situations that affect the absorption of nutrients can also be calcium deficiency, such as pancreatitis and some genetic syndromes.

In addition, a lack of vitamin D can also cause calcium deficiency, since this vitamin is essential for the absorption of calcium at the intestinal level. Some medications such as amiloride, for example, which is a diuretic used in cases of high blood pressure, may also lack calcium as a side effect.

How to increase calcium absorption

To increase the absorption of calcium in the intestine and its use by the body, in addition to increasing the consumption of foods rich in this nutrient, the consumption of vitamin D, which is present in foods such as fish, milk and eggs, must also be increased. See some examples of foods rich in calcium and foods rich in vitamin D.

In addition, to increase vitamin D concentrations in the body, it is also recommended to increase the time of skin exposure to the sun without sun protection. However, the most recommended is to do 15 minutes a day, to avoid serious complications, such as skin cancer.

The frequent practice of physical activity also increases the absorption and fixation of calcium in the bones, and it is important to be careful with some medications that can decrease the absorption of calcium, such as antibiotics (fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines), diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide and furosemide) and antacids that contain aluminum.

In cases of proven calcium deficiency, in which previous food and care are not sufficient, the doctor may prescribe the use of supplements in calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate or calcium citrate capsules. Learn more about calcium supplements.

Lack of calcium: symptoms and how to increase absorption