Home Bulls Phaseolamine



Faseolamine is a substance taken from white beans that acts by inhibiting the digestion of starch, which contributes to the number of calories ingested, and is therefore used in weight loss diets.

In addition, Faseolamine helps to reduce blood sugar levels after meals and can be used in diabetics who do not use insulin.

Faseolamine can be purchased at health food stores or online.

Price of Faseolamina

The price of Fasiolamina varies between 30 to 60 reais.

Phaseolamine Indications

Faseolamine is indicated in weight loss diets and in the control of glycemia in non-insulin dependent diabetics.

How to use Faseolamine

The use of Faseolamine consists of ingesting 250 to 1000 mg per day. This dose should be distributed in one or two doses a day, about 30 minutes before eating starchy foods.

To achieve better results, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of fats and sugars.

Side Effects of Faseolamine

The main side effect of Faseolamine is diarrhea, which is usually only present in the first days of treatment.

Contraindications of Faseolamine

Faseolamine is contraindicated in pregnant women and diabetics or insulin dependent individuals.
