Home Bulls Ocular pinguecula: what it is and how to treat

Ocular pinguecula: what it is and how to treat


The pinguecula is characterized by a yellowish spot on the eye, with a triangular shape, which corresponds to the growth of a tissue made up of proteins, fat and calcium, located in the conjunctiva of the eye.

This tissue usually appears in the region of the eye closest to the nose, but it can also appear elsewhere. The pinguecula can appear at any age, but it is more common in older people.

In most cases, it is not necessary to undergo treatment, however, in the presence of discomfort or vision changes, it may be necessary to use eye drops and eye ointments or even resort to surgery. When this patch extends along the cornea, it is called a pterygium and can lead to more serious complications. Learn more about Pterygium.

Possible causes

The causes that may be at the origin of the pinguecula are exposure to UV radiation, dust or wind. In addition, older people or people who suffer from dry eye have a higher risk of suffering from this problem.

What symptoms

The most common symptoms that can be caused by the pinguecula in the eye are dry and irritated eye sensation, foreign body sensation in the eye, swelling, redness, blurred vision and itchy eye.

How the treatment is done

It is generally not necessary to perform treatment of the pinguecula, unless there is a lot of associated discomfort. In these cases, if the person experiences eye pain or irritation, the doctor may recommend the application of eye drops or eye ointment to calm redness and irritation.

If the person is uncomfortable with the appearance of the stain, if the stain affects vision, causes extreme discomfort when wearing contact lenses, or if the eye remains inflamed even when using eye drops or ophthalmic ointments, the doctor may advise to carry out surgery.

To prevent the pinguecula or assist in the treatment, the eyes must be protected from UV rays and apply lubricating eye solutions or artificial tears to avoid dry eye.

Ocular pinguecula: what it is and how to treat