Home Symptoms Chronic migraine: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Chronic migraine: what it is, symptoms and treatment


Chronic migraine is a severe, throbbing headache, which usually occurs only on one side and is characterized by crises that last from 3 to 72 hours, with or without aura, for a period of 15 consecutive days and are repeated for more than 3 months.

Often, acute migraine attacks evolve with a worsening of frequency and intensity, generating chronic migraine, and it can be caused by the excessive use of oral analgesic drugs that the person takes to pass the headache.

Chronic migraine cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be alleviated with the treatment indicated by a neurologist, who can recommend anti-inflammatory and tryptamine-based drugs, such as sumatriptan and zolmitriptan.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of chronic migraine, in addition to severe headaches that have not subsided for more than 15 days and last for more than 3 months, include:

  • Poor quality sleep; Insomnia; Body pain; Irritability; Anxiety; Depression; Changes in appetite and mood; Nausea; Vomiting.

In some cases, a type of reaction of the body, called photosensitivity, can arise, which is when the eyes are sensitive when they come in contact with the light from the lamps, the sun, or even the screen of the cell phone or the computer, causing worsening of the chronic migraine crisis. This can also happen with sounds, called phonosensitivity.

Exercising or simply performing movements such as squatting, going up and down stairs also made headaches worse during a chronic migraine attack. See more other symptoms that may indicate migraine.

Possible causes

The causes of chronic migraine are not well defined, however, it is known that some factors can lead to the appearance of this condition, such as:

  • Self-medication related to the excessive use of painkillers; Rheumatological or orthopedic problems; Psychiatric problems, such as depression or anxiety; Excessive consumption of caffeine and derivatives.

Chronic migraine can also be associated with obstructive sleep apnea and obesity, being more frequent in women than in men. Understand more why women have more migraines.

Treatment options

The treatment for chronic migraine should be indicated by the neurologist and is based on the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, triptanes and even anticonvulsants, which promote relaxation in the head region, such as topiramate and valproic acid.

A remedy for chronic migraine that can also be used and that has been shown to be effective is botulinum toxin type A, especially in the case of refractory chronic migraine. However, some home remedies can be used to help treat chronic migraines, such as sunflower seeds. Check out other options for natural migraine remedies.

In addition, to improve the benefits of treatment, reduce symptoms and prevent chronic migraine attacks it is important to do regular physical activity, eat healthy foods, maintain an ideal weight, control stress, do relaxation, physiotherapy, acupuncture and psychotherapy.

Watch the following video and learn what to do to prevent migraine:

Chronic migraine: what it is, symptoms and treatment