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6 Habits that cause excess gas and what to do


Intestinal gases, scientifically called flatulence, are produced by bacteria that ferment food during digestion.

Gases are involuntary, being produced naturally by the body, and, in most cases, do not smell very bad. However, when the person eats very fast, makes use of antibiotics or has a high protein diet, mainly with the regular consumption of pork, there is greater production and higher concentration of gases, which can smell very bad.

Main causes of gases

The formation of gases is greatly influenced by the person's habits and lifestyle. Thus, the main causes of intestinal gases are:

1. Swallowing air during meals

When you eat too fast, due to stress or anxiety, for example, air may enter the body, which causes the formation of gases, being called this condition of intestinal meteorism. In addition, swallowing air during meals leaves the belly swollen and promotes increased burping. Understand more about intestinal meteorism.

2. Eating difficult to digest foods

Some foods, mainly carbohydrates, proteins and fats, have a slightly slower digestion and increase fermentation in the intestine, with the formation of gases. The main foods responsible for the excess of intestinal gases are:

  • Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, milk; Chickpeas, peas, lentils, potatoes; Beans, sweet potatoes, yogurt, eggs, wheat bran; Carbonated drinks, beer, onions, asparagus.

The combination of fiber-rich foods with foods that contain a lot of fat also favors the formation of gases, so one should avoid eating whole wheat bread with cheddar cheese, for example.

However, a food that can cause gases in one individual may not cause another, and therefore, if you notice the appearance of gases try to know what was the food that caused it and avoid it. Learn how the diet can decrease gas production.

3. Taking antacids or antibiotics

The use of antacids and antibiotics can alter the intestinal flora and, thus, the fermentation process of microorganisms. Thus, there is a greater production of intestinal gases.

4. Do not practice physical activities

The lack of physical activities causes the digestion process to slow down, increasing the fermentation of food. In addition, sedentary people tend to have constipation, which also favors the formation of intestinal gases due to the feces remaining in the intestine for longer. Know what are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.

5. Carbonated drinks

They make it easier to swallow more air, so eliminating fizzy drinks can greatly improve the need for burping and eliminating gases.

6. Constipation

As the feces remain in the intestine longer, they increase fermentation and hinder the escape of gases, so it is recommended to end constipation by making changes to the diet.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms of intestinal gases are:

  • Abdominal distension, swollen or puffy belly; General malaise; Stitch-shaped abdominal pain; Flatulence.

If these symptoms are causing great discomfort, what you can do is take a gas tea or take a gas medicine that you can buy at the pharmacy, even without a prescription. See how the treatment for gases can be done.

Remedy for intestinal gas

Some good options for intestinal gas remedies are:

  • Dimethicone (Luftal); Fennel tea with lemon balm; Star anise tea with cinnamon sticks.

In addition, a great natural remedy to eliminate intestinal gas is to exercise regularly, such as cycling or walking for 30 to 40 minutes daily. Learn how to prepare home remedies for gases.

Watch the following video and find out what are the tips to get rid of gases:

Intestinal gases in pregnancy

The formation of intestinal gases is slightly higher in pregnancy and this is also due to the slow digestion that occurs at this stage as a result of the increase in progesterone in the bloodstream.

The most common symptoms of gas in pregnancy are:

  • Prick-shaped abdominal pain; Noises in the belly; Abdominal distension; Feeling of a full stomach.

In addition, constipation, also common in pregnancy, can aggravate the situation.

To avoid excess gas during pregnancy, it is important to avoid foods that cause gas, drink plenty of water and practice some type of physical exercise such as walking daily. Learn how to eliminate the gases.

6 Habits that cause excess gas and what to do