Home Bulls Glucantime



Glucantime is an injectable antiparasitic medication used to treat cases of cutaneous or visceral Leishmaniasis, which must be administered in the hospital.

This medicine is produced by Sanofi-Aventis laboratories and has the active substance of meglumine antimoniate, which is able to bind to the parasites responsible for Leishmaniasis, eliminating them from the system and relieving symptoms.


The price of Glucantime is approximately 187 reais, for packaging with 25 ampoules of 5 ml of medicine.

How to take

This medication should always be administered by a professional, and the treatment dose should be calculated by a doctor according to the person's weight and the type of Leishmaniasis.

Generally, treatment with Glucantime is done for 20 consecutive days in case of visceral Leishmaniasis and for 30 consecutive days in cases of cutaneous Leishmaniasis.

Side effects

The main side effects of this remedy include joint pain, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, fever, headache, decreased appetite, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, pain in the belly and changes in the blood test, especially in blood tests. liver function.


Glucantime should not be used in cases of allergy to meglumine antimoniate or in patients with renal, heart or liver failure. In addition, pregnant women should only be used after the doctor's recommendation.

Learn more about the treatment of Leishmaniasis.
