Home Bulls Griseofulvin



Griseofulvin is an oral medication known commercially as Fulcin and Sporostatin.

Griseofulvin is an antifungal, which acts by preventing the proliferation of fungi, helping in the treatment of mycoses in the skin.

Griseofulvin indications

Infection of the skin; scalp infections; nail infections (onychomycosis); foot infections (athlete's foot).

Side Effects of Griseofulvin

Mental confusion; rash on the skin; stomach ache; Headache; dizziness; tiredness; urticaria; insomnia; fatigue; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea.

Contraindications for Griseofulvin

Pregnant Women; lactating women; children under 2 years of age; hypersensitivity to penicillin; individuals with liver problems; individuals with a history of lupus.

How to use Griseofulvin

Oral use

The administration of Grisefulvina should be done during or after a high-fat meal, to reduce stomach irritation and improve the absorption of the medicine.


  • Administer 500 mg of Griseofulvin as a single daily dose or 250 mg every 12 hours.

Children over 2 years

  • Administer 10 mg per kg of weight every 24 hours or 5 mg per kg of weight every 12 hours.