Home Bulls What is hemorrhoids and how to treat

What is hemorrhoids and how to treat


Hemorrhoids are dilated and protruding veins in the anal area that can be internal or external, which can cause symptoms such as itching and anal pain, difficulty in defecating and the presence of blood in the stool.

The treatment consists of the application of ointments with vasoconstrictor, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, medicines to relieve pain, or even surgery.

What symptoms

The main symptoms of hemorrhoids usually include:

  • Bright red blood around the stool or on toilet paper after cleaning; Itching in the anus; Difficulty in defecating; Exit of a whitish liquid through the anus, especially in the case of internal hemorrhoids; Anal pain that can arise when evacuating, walking or sitting, especially in the case of external hemorrhoids;

When the hemorrhoid is external, a bulge in the anus or an anal fissure is also felt. Learn how to treat anal fissures.

Possible causes

There is no exact cause for the appearance of hemorrhoids, however, a poor diet, poor body posture or constipation can contribute to their formation.

In addition, other causes may be the cause of the appearance of hemorrhoids, such as obesity, genetic predisposition or pregnancy, for example.

To learn more about each type of hemorrhoid, see Internal hemorrhoids or External hemorrhoids.

How the treatment is done

Hemorrhoids are curable and the remedies that can be indicated to treat them are ointments such as Hemovirtus, Proctosan or Proctyl, with vasoconstrictor, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which should be used under the guidance of the doctor or pharmacist. See more ointments for hemorrhoids.

In addition, medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen can also be used, which should be used under medical guidance to relieve swelling and pain caused by hemorrhoids, or even medicines like Diosmin and Velunid that improve blood circulation and protect veins.

However, when the hemorrhoid does not disappear with any of these treatments or appears again, it may be necessary to resort to surgery.

Home treatment

If it is not serious, the hemorrhoid can be treated with just a few precautions such as drinking water, eating a diet rich in fiber or avoiding efforts, such as lifting weights, for example, which make the hemorrhoid usually return to normal in a few days.

In addition, some habits can help prevent their recurrence, such as:

  • Do not use too much force to evacuate; Do not take weight, do not make efforts or weight training; Avoid using toilet paper, washing the area with soap and water or using wet wipes when not at home; Do sitz baths. See how to make a seat bath for hemorrhoids.

Watch this video and learn how to make a home treatment for hemorrhoids through food:

Is hemorrhoid common in pregnancy?

Hemorrhoids in pregnancy are frequent due to the weight gain of the pregnant woman and the pressure exerted in the pelvic region, as well as the increase in blood circulation in the body. Generally, the symptoms are the same but the treatment must be done very carefully and always under medical supervision.

What is hemorrhoids and how to treat