Home Bulls Heparin (liquemine)

Heparin (liquemine)


Heparin is an anticoagulant for injectable use that prevents thrombus formation and can be found on the market under the name of Liquemine.

Its administration must be made by a nurse or doctor and can be done through an injection in the skin or vein and is for the exclusive use of the hospital.

Heparin Price

The price of heparin varies between 5 and 12 reais depending on the region, but it is not usually found in pharmacies.

Heparin Indications

Liquemine is indicated for the prevention of arteriovenous thrombosis and prevention of pulmonary embolism.

How to use Heparin

Liquemine is administered through an injection into the skin or vein and in adults:

  • Prevention of embolism: 5, 000 IU, subcutaneously 2 hours before surgery and thereafter every 12 hours, for approximately 7 days. Disseminated intravascular coagulation: 50 to 100 IU per kg of body weight intravenously, every 4 hours. Discontinue use of the product if there is no improvement within 4 to 8 hours.

In the case of children, it is usually applied between 25 to 50 IU per kg body weight every 4 hours and discontinue the use of the product if there is no improvement within 4 to 8 hours.

Side effects of Heparin

Hemorrhage may occur during treatment with heparin, especially bloody urine and bruising.

Contraindications for Heparin

Liquemine is contraindicated in case of abortion, surgery to the eye and brain, in case of hemorrhagic diathesis, in cerebral hemorrhages, hepatic or renal insufficiency, in patients with ulcers and endocarditis.

In addition, it is important to pay special attention to pregnant women and patients who have had surgery on the prostate, liver and biliary tract.

Useful link:

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Heparin (liquemine)