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Herpes has no cure: understand why


Herpes is a communicable disease that has no cure, since there is no antiviral drug capable of eliminating the virus from the body once and for all. However, there are several medications that can help prevent and even treat a crisis of symptoms more quickly.

Thus, a cure for herpes cannot be achieved for genital herpes or cold sores as they are caused by the same type of virus, Herpes Simplex, with type 1 causing oral herpes and type 2 causing genital herpes.

Although there is no cure, many cases of herpes do not show any symptoms, as the virus remains dormant for many years, and the person can live without ever knowing that he or she is infected with the virus. However, as the virus is in the body, that person is at risk of passing the virus on to others.

Because herpes has no cure

The herpes virus is difficult to cure because when it enters the body it can stay dormant for a long time, not causing any type of response by the immune system.

In addition, the DNA of this virus is very complex, which makes it very difficult to create a medicine capable of eliminating it, unlike what happens with other types of simpler viruses such as mumps or measles, for example.

How to identify herpes

To identify herpes, one must carefully observe the affected area. This may be tingling, uncomfortable or itching for a few days, before the wound appears, until the first air bubbles appear, surrounded by a red border, which is painful and very sensitive.

The laboratory diagnosis is made by analyzing the presence of the herpes virus microscopically in a scraping done on the wound, but it is not always necessary. Most doctors can identify herpes just by looking at the wound.

After a few days of the appearance of the herpes sore, it begins to dry on its own, forming a thinner and yellowish crust, until it completely disappears, around 20 days.

Medicines used in treatment

Although there is no cure for herpes, there are remedies that can be used to treat a seizure more quickly. The most used remedy is Acyclovir, which is an antiviral that is able to weaken the virus, causing it to stop causing changes in the skin.

However, it is also important to keep the region very clean and dry, as well as properly hydrated. See other care and forms of treatment available.

How transmission occurs

Since herpes has no cure, the person who has the virus always has some chances of passing the virus on to others. However, this risk is greater as there are blisters and sores on the skin caused by herpes, since the virus can be passed through the liquid released by these blisters.

Some of the most common ways of transmitting herpes include kissing someone with herpes sores, sharing silverware or glasses, touching the liquid released by herpes blisters, or having sex without a condom, for example.

Herpes has no cure: understand why