Home Bulls Hesperidin



Hesperidin is a medication known commercially as Diosmil.

This medication for oral use is used to treat poor circulation, in diseases such as varicose veins, venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids. Hesperidin acts on the vascular system, normalizing circulation and increasing the resistance of blood vessels.

Hesperidin Indications

Varicose veins; chronic vascular failure; hemorrhoids; varicosities; heavy feeling in the legs; varicose ulcers; stasis ulcers.

Side effects of Hesperidin

Dizziness; vertigo; Headache; anxiety; tiredness; nausea; vomiting; abdominal pain; dyspepsia; diarrhea; itch.

Contraindications for Hesperidin

Pregnant or lactating women; individuals hypersensitive to any component of the formula.

How to use Hesperidin

Oral use


  • Administer 2 tablets of Hesperidin daily. Preferably one upon waking and the other at night. If severe hemorrhoid attacks occur, the dose should be increased to 2 tablets, 3 times a day for a period of 4 days, followed by the intake of 2 tablets, 2 times a day for a period of 3 days.