Home Bulls Hiberix



Hiberix is ​​an injectable vaccine that protects against Haemophilus influenza B in children, a microorganism that can cause very serious bacterial infections, such as meningitis.

Hiberix is ​​a vaccine that is included in the vaccination program and that must be administered in 3 doses, the first at 2 months of age, the second at 4 months and the last at 6 months.

Hiberix price

Hiberix cannot be purchased in conventional pharmacies, as it is offered by the Ministry of Health for all babies.

Hiberix indications

Hiberiz is indicated to increase the immunity of children over 2 months of age against diseases caused by Haemophilus influenza B.

How to use Hiberix

Hiberix must be administered by a nurse or doctor at a health clinic or pediatrician's office.

Side effects of Hiberix

The main side effects of Hiberix include pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, as well as fever, lack of appetite, agitation, vomiting, diarrhea, unusual crying and hives.

Contraindications of Hiberix

Hiberix is ​​contraindicated for babies who had an allergic reaction to some dose of this vaccine or any other against Haemophilus influenza B, as well as for babies with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formula.
