Home Bulls Garlic oil in capsules: what it is for and how to use

Garlic oil in capsules: what it is for and how to use


Garlic oil in capsules is a food supplement that serves mainly to reduce cholesterol, maintaining a good functioning of the heart, but also to strengthen the immune system, due to the presence of allicin and sulfur, which are the main bioactive compounds in garlic, so the higher the concentration of allicin, the more efficient the supplement will be in fighting cholesterol.

Garlic in capsules as a food supplement can be purchased at pharmacies and health food stores or over the internet, but it is important to check the raw material on the label because raw garlic is more potent than cooked garlic and fresh garlic is more potent than the old garlic. The ideal daily dose to lower cholesterol can be 20 mg of allicin which is the equivalent of 4g or a unit of raw garlic.

What is garlic oil for

Garlic oil in capsules is used to:

  • Avoid heart disease and improve cardiovascular health, as it contains allicin that contributes to the proper functioning of the heart; Control blood pressure by promoting vascular relaxation; Decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol; Prevent aging, because it has antioxidant action due to sulfur compounds reducing oxidative stress;

How to take garlic oil

Generally, it is recommended to take 2 to 4 capsules of garlic oil 2 times a day before meals, such as lunch and dinner. However, it is important to read the label and follow the instructions of the doctor or nutritionist who can adapt to each case.

Contraindications for garlic oil

Intake of garlic oil capsules may not be suitable for women who are breastfeeding because it can alter the taste of breast milk, and children up to 3 years old. And it should not be taken with anticoagulant medication without the knowledge of the cardiologist.

Side effects of garlic oil

Garlic oil capsules usually do not cause side effects, however, in some cases, it can cause nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach upset.

There is some controversy in scientific studies about the efficiency and the most recommended dosage of garlic oil, especially since the mechanisms for cholesterol reduction are not fully understood, although it is assumed that garlic has beneficial effects on heart health in general regulating blood pressure, strengthening the vascular wall and even decreasing platelet aggregation that could form thrombi.

Garlic oil in capsules: what it is for and how to use