Home Bulls camelina oil to lower cholesterol

camelina oil to lower cholesterol


Cameline oil is an excellent home remedy to lower cholesterol because it is rich in omega 3, which helps to lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, cameline oil has vitamin E which is an antioxidant vitamin, which helps to eliminate toxins and excess fat in the blood, lowering excess cholesterol and reducing the risk of fat accumulating inside the arteries.

However, camelina oil should not replace the treatment for cholesterol indicated by the doctor and the patient should continue to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Learn more at: How to lower cholesterol.

How to use cameline oil

The method of using cameline oil consists of ingesting 1 to 2 teaspoons of the oil per day, added to meals. Once opened, camelina oil should be kept in the refrigerator.

Nutritional information for camelina oil

Components: Quantity in 100 ml:
Energy 828 calories
Fats 92 g
Saturated fat 9 g
Polyunsaturated fats 53 g
Omega 3 34 g
Monounsaturated fats 29 g
Vitamin E 7 mg

Price of camelina oil

The price of camelina oil varies between 20 and 50 reais.

Where to buy camelina oil

Camelina oil can be purchased online or at health food stores.

Other homemade ways to lower cholesterol:

camelina oil to lower cholesterol