Home Bulls Health benefits of oregano essential oil

Health benefits of oregano essential oil


The essential oil of oregano is extracted from the wild plant Origanum compactum, having two main components important for health: carvacrol and timor. These substances have antifungal and antibacterial action, in addition to helping to maintain the balance of intestinal flora and promote good digestion.

In addition to these substances, oregano oil is rich in nutrients such as flavonoids, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, potassium, copper, boron, manganese, vitamins A, C, E and niacin, having the following properties for health:

  • Combat viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic infections; Reduce pain and inflammation, helping with problems such as colic, rheumatism and muscle pain; Fight cough and respiratory problems, flu and colds, and should be used in aromatherapy with boiling water; Improve digestion by reducing gas and colic; Fight mycoses on the skin, and should be applied on the spot together with a little coconut oil;

Oregano oil can be found in health food stores and pharmacies, and its price varies between 30 and 80 reais.

How to use

  • Oregano oil in drops:

The essential oil of oregano should not be ingested as it can cause burns of the esophagus and stomach. That way, the best way to use oregano essential oil is to take deep inhalations. For this, one must smell directly from the oil bottle, taking a deep breath, holding the air and releasing the air through the mouth. At first, you should do 3 to 5 inhalations 10 times a day and then increase to 10 inhalations.

  • Oregano oil in capsules:

Oregano oil can be found in capsules and should be taken according to the manufacturer's instructions, which is usually 1 to 2 capsules a day.

Main benefits of oregano

Check out in this video the best reasons to consume more oregano in your day-to-day:

Side effects

In general, the use of oregano oil is safe and does not cause side effects, but some people sensitive or allergic to the oregano plant may experience problems such as skin irritation, diarrhea and vomiting. Before topical use on the skin, for example, you should put only a small amount of the oil on the skin and watch for adverse reactions.

When not to consume

Oregano oil is contraindicated in people who have allergies to thyme, basil, mint or sage, as they may be sensitive to oregano oil, since the family of plants is the same.

In addition, it should not be used by pregnant women, as the oil can stimulate menstruation and increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Health benefits of oregano essential oil