Home Bulls oil of lorenzo to treat adrenoleukodystrophy

oil of lorenzo to treat adrenoleukodystrophy


Lorenzo's oil is a food supplement with glycerol trioleate and glycerol trierucate, used to treat adrenoleukodystrophy, a rare disease also known as Lorenzo's disease.

Adrenoleukodystrophy is caused by the accumulation of very long-chain fatty acids in the brain and the adrenal gland and causes demyelination of neurons. Lorenzo's oil helps to normalize fatty acid levels and when used in asymptomatic patients, it decreases the risk of developing degenerative disease and, in some symptomatic patients, can improve quality of life.

Lorenzo Oil Indications

Lorenzo's Oil is indicated for the treatment of adrenoleukodystrophy, helping to prevent problems in the nervous system in children with adrenoleukodystrophy, but who have not yet shown any symptoms. In children who show symptoms of the disease, Lorenzo's Oil is indicated as a treatment to improve and prolong the quality of life.

How to use Lorenzo Oil

The use of Lorenzo's Oil consists of taking 2 to 3 mL / day to help treat children with adrenoleukodystrophy. However, the dosage must be adequate according to the patient's health status.

Side Effects of Lorenzo Oil

Side effects of Lorenzo's Oil are rare, but can include bruising or bleeding.

Contraindications for Lorenzo Oil

Lorenzo's Oil is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women because there are no studies that demonstrate efficacy and safety.

It should not be used in patients with a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, thrombocytopenia, or with a decrease in white blood cells, neutropenia.

oil of lorenzo to treat adrenoleukodystrophy