Home Bulls Honey face mask

Honey face mask


Facial masks with honey have numerous benefits, as honey has antiseptic and antioxidant properties, for example, ensuring that the skin is soft, hydrated and healthy looking. Discover other benefits of honey.

In addition to masks with honey, it is extremely important to use sunscreen on a daily basis, clean the skin every day and drink about 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day to ensure good skin hydration.

Honey and yogurt mask

The honey and yogurt facial mask is a very simple way to keep your facial skin well hydrated, repaired and without blemishes, in an economical and natural way.


  • Honey; Natural yogurt.

Method of preparation

Wash your face gently with a mild soap and warm water. Then apply a thin layer of the honey and yogurt mixture over the entire face, using a brush and let it act for 20 minutes.

To remove the honey facial mask, rinse the face with warm water only. To have results, this process must be repeated twice a week.

Honey and olive oil mask

The honey and olive oil mask is great for moisturizing and exfoliating your skin, leaving your skin looking healthier. The mask can be made by mixing 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of olive oil, until it reaches a homogeneous consistency. Then, it can be applied on the skin in circular movements and left for 15 minutes. Then, the mask can be removed under running water.

Honey and cinnamon powder mask

The honey and cinnamon powder mask is a great option to eliminate acne, as they have antiseptic properties. To make this mask, mix ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder in 3 teaspoons of honey in a suitable container. Then, it should be applied on the face, avoiding the region around the eyes, in circular and smooth movements. After about 15 minutes, you can remove the mask with cold water.

Honey face mask