Home Bulls Frequent use of computer and cell phone can cause melasma

Frequent use of computer and cell phone can cause melasma


The radiation emitted by the sun's rays is the main cause of melasma, which are dark spots on the skin, but the frequent use of objects that emit radiation, such as cell phones and computers, can also cause spots on the body.

Melasma usually appears on the face, but it can also appear on the arms and lap, making it necessary to use sunscreen daily to avoid this problem.

Causes of melasma

In addition to the sun's rays, melasma can be caused by the constant use of light fixtures, computer, TV, cell phone, iron, hair dryers and hair straighteners, as stains arise due to the heat emitted by these objects.

Melasma is more common in women, especially during pregnancy, but the use of birth control pills, facial hair removal creams and a diet low in folic acid can also cause skin blemishes to appear.

How to avoid blemishes on the face

To prevent melasma, sunscreen should be used daily on those areas of the body that are exposed to light and heat, even at home or when working indoors. People who work in open places and exposed to the sun, must remember to reapply the sunscreen every 2 hours.

In cases where the work is done indoors, in addition to sunscreen, other tips are to take breaks throughout the day to drink coffee or go to the bathroom, and decrease the brightness of the computer screen and cell phone, because the more light, the more heat produced and the greater the risk of spots appearing on the skin.

Treatment for melasma

The diagnosis and treatment of melasma must be made by the dermatologist, and the techniques used to treat the problem depend on the type and severity of the stain.

Usually, treatment is done through the use of whitening creams and chemical peels or dermabrasion, which are procedures used to remove dark layers of the skin. See how the treatment is done for each type of skin stain.

Frequent use of computer and cell phone can cause melasma