Home Bulls Allergy on the face: what can be and what to do

Allergy on the face: what can be and what to do


Allergy on the face is characterized by redness, itching and swelling of the skin on the face, which can occur due to various conditions, such as contact dermatitis, which is an inflammatory reaction of the body that arises due to the contact of some substance with the skin, reaction to certain cosmetics, use of medicines or food intake, such as shrimp, for example.

The treatment for allergy on the face is indicated by a dermatologist and depends on the cause that leads to skin reactions in this area of ​​the body, however, in some cases, the use of anti-allergic drugs and corticosteroid ointments may be indicated.

Thus, the main causes of allergy on the face are:

1. Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is an inflammatory reaction that occurs when a substance comes into contact with the skin of the face, being identified through the appearance of itchy papules or vesicles that lead to redness or the formation of scaly crusts on the skin.

This type of reaction can happen at any age, including children, and can appear immediately on the first skin contact with any product or substance, such as jewelry, soaps or latex, or can appear after weeks, months or even years after the first use.. The diagnosis of contact dermatitis is made by a dermatologist through tests such as the prick test, in which substances that could cause allergy are placed on the skin and then observed over time if there was any reaction from the body. Find out what a prick test is and how it is done.

What to do: the treatment for contact dermatitis is done by eliminating contact with the agent that causes the allergy on the face, and the dermatologist can indicate remedies such as anti-allergic and corticoids and ointments with corticosteroids, such as betamethasone, for example.

2. Reaction to cosmetics

Cosmetics cover any product applied to the body, whether of animal, vegetable origin or made with synthetic chemical substances that are used to clean, protect or disguise imperfections and used for beauty, such as makeup. Currently, there are several brands and laboratories that manufacture these types of products and use, in most cases, different substances.

These substances contained in cosmetic products can lead to the appearance of allergy on the face, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as redness, itching, papules and even swelling on the face. These symptoms arise because the body understands that the product is an invading agent, and therefore causes an exaggerated reaction on the skin of the face.

What to do: The best way to improve allergic reactions to cosmetics is to stop using the product, as this is enough to reduce symptoms. However, if the symptoms persist even with the interruption of the use of the cosmetic, anti-allergic drugs can be used or if the allergic reaction on the face is very strong it is important to consult a dermatologist to indicate the most appropriate treatment.

3. Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease that affects mainly children and arises because of genetic factors and changes in the skin barrier. The symptoms can appear as an allergy on the face and is manifested through excessive dryness of the skin, itching and the presence of eczema, which is a scaly patch on the skin.

This disease is triggered when the body overreacts to certain allergens, this means that the skin cells cause a reaction in the skin due to the mother's exposure during pregnancy to certain products, climate changes, cigarette smoke or even even due to infectious agents such as bacteria and fungi.

What to do: atopic dermatitis has no cure, but symptoms such as allergy on the face can be controlled by eliminating irritating factors that trigger skin lesions, in addition to hydrating the skin and controlling inflammation and itching with corticosteroid medications, anti-allergy or immunosuppressants that should be indicated by the dermatologist.

4. Use of medicines and food

The use of certain medications, such as aspirin and penicillin-based antibiotics, can cause allergic reactions, including allergies on the face, in which redness and itching of the skin of the face can be noticed. This occurs because the immune system overreacts when it recognizes these substances in the body.

Some types of food, such as shrimp and pepper, can also cause allergies to appear on the face, causing symptoms such as redness, itching, and can also lead to swelling of the eyes, lips and tongue, shortness of breath and vomiting.

What to do: when the allergy on the face is accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath, swelling of the face and tongue it is important to seek medical attention immediately, as it can cause an anaphylactic shock, which corresponds to a serious allergic reaction and which can put the life of the person at risk. See what anaphylactic shock is, symptoms and how to treat it.

5. Sun exposure

Sun exposure can generate allergies on the face in some people, as it leads to the appearance of the so-called photosensitivity to ultraviolet rays, which can be installed even in a few minutes of exposure to the sun.

This situation occurs because when coming into contact with the ultraviolet rays, the body releases chemical substances that cause the immediate response of the immune system, causing rashes, itching and redness on the skin of the face. The allergy on the face caused by sun exposure is confirmed by a dermatologist through a history of the person's symptoms and the examination of skin lesions.

What to do: The treatment for allergy on the face caused by exposure to the sun is indicated by the dermatologist and consists mainly of the use of ointments and corticosteroid-based medications, to reduce the reaction of the immune system.

6. Cholinergic urticaria

Cholinergic urticaria is characterized by an allergy to the skin, which can appear on the face, which arises due to the increase in body temperature, being very common after physical exercises and bathing with hot water. In some cases, this type of skin reaction arises from sweating and sweating, in an anxiety attack, for example.

The redness and itching of the skin usually appears in the face, neck and chest area, it can also spread throughout the body and, in some cases, excessive salivation, watery eyes and diarrhea can also occur. Check out other symptoms of cholinergic urticaria and how to confirm the diagnosis.

What to do: The treatment for cholinergic urticaria can be done through the application of cold water compresses on the face and in the places where the redness appears, however when the symptoms are very intense the ideal is to consult a dermatologist to indicate the most appropriate treatment. appropriate.

Allergy on the face: what can be and what to do