Home Bulls What is apitherapy and what are the health benefits

What is apitherapy and what are the health benefits


Apitherapy is an alternative therapy that consists of the use of products derived from bees, such as honey, propolis, pollen, royal jelly, wax or bee venom, for therapeutic purposes.

Several studies prove that apitherapy is effective in the treatment of skin diseases, joints, colds and flu, the immune system, among others, however, as well as other alternative therapies, its use is not recognized by the Regional and Federal Councils of Medicine.

What are the benefits

Apitherapy consists of the use of products derived from bees, with scientifically proven properties, such as:

1. Honey

The use of honey as a dressing has been shown to be effective in wound healing, faster, more effective in resolving infections and less pain, compared to the use of other dressings. In addition, it has also proved effective in the treatment of cough, compared to the use of other antitussives.

Discover other benefits of honey.

2. Wax

Beeswax is currently widely used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry, in ointments, creams and tablets. In the field of alternative medicine, beeswax is used due to its antibiotic properties, and also in the treatment of arthritis and nasal inflammation.

3. Pollen

The pollen produced by bees, has shown in several studies energetic properties in combating tiredness and depression and increased resistance to flu and cold. In addition, it has also been shown to provide benefits for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

4. Propolis

Propolis has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing properties, and has also been shown to be effective in relieving toothache and preventing flu and colds and ear infections.

It has also been shown to be safe and effective, in conjunction with bee venom, in the treatment of psoriasis. Learn more about the benefits of propolis.

5. Royal jelly

Royal jelly, in addition to being a concentrated source of nutrients, vitamins and essential fatty acids, also has other benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, strengthening the immune system, as well as stimulating and strengthening properties.

6. Bee poison

The treatment of apitherapy with bee venom, also known as apitoxin, is carried out by an apitherapist, with live bees, who purposefully sting the person, in a controlled manner, releasing the venom in order to obtain analgesic, anti-inflammatory, stimulating effects. immune system, among others.

Several studies also prove the effectiveness of bee venom in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, however, it is not possible to guarantee the safety of this procedure.

What is apitherapy and what are the health benefits