Home Bulls Skin allergy: how to identify, causes and how to treat

Skin allergy: how to identify, causes and how to treat


Skin allergy is an inflammatory reaction that can manifest itself in different regions of the skin, such as hands, feet, face, arms, armpits, neck, legs, back or belly, causing symptoms such as redness, itching and white or reddish spots on the skin. skin. In addition, in some cases the skin allergy can lead to other problems such as allergic swelling, for example.

Allergy to the skin can have different causes such as allergy to deodorant, medication, food, the sun, insect bites or even allergy to sunscreen, and its treatment can be done with the use of antihistamines such as desloratadine or ebastine, for example, indicated by the dermatologist or allergist.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms of skin allergy include:

  • Itching; Redness; Peeling; Irritation; Presence of spots or pimples (red or white pellets).

These symptoms can appear a few minutes after contact with the allergen, but they can also take several hours and even days to fully develop. Thus, one should try to remember the objects or substances that have been in contact with the region in the last 3 days, or the medicines or foods that you have eaten, to try to find a cause.

In the most severe and less common cases, skin allergy can also lead to the appearance of severe symptoms such as difficulty in breathing and discomfort in the throat, in which case it is very important to go quickly to the emergency room or call SAMU.

What to do when symptoms appear

As soon as the first allergy symptoms appear, it is important that you take action quickly, washing the skin regions where the allergy symptoms are appearing with abundant water and neutral pH soap. After washing these areas well, it is important to apply hypoallergenic products with soothing products, such as creams or lotions with calming action, such as chamomile or lavender, to relieve discomfort and soothe skin irritation, also helping to maintain its hydration.

In addition, Thermal Water is also an excellent option to use in these situations, as it moisturizes the skin and reduces itching and irritation. Get to know other home treatments to treat skin allergies by clicking here.

However, if after washing and moisturizing the skin, the symptoms do not completely disappear after approximately 2 hours or if they worsen in that time and become exuberant or annoying, it is recommended that you consult a doctor so that he can prescribe remedies for the treatment of allergy.

What can cause allergy

Skin allergy can have several causes, including:

  • Insect bites; Sweat; Jewelry; Food poisoning; Medicines or food; Plants or animal hair; Clothing, belts or some types of fabric such as wool or jeans; Irritating substances or materials such as detergent, washing soap, beauty products and cosmetics, makeup, shampoo, deodorant, shower gel, soap, wax or even depilatory cream.

Skin allergy can manifest itself causing several symptoms, it is very important to be able to identify the cause of the allergy so that it can be avoided.

Skin allergy treatment

The recommended treatment for skin allergy should be indicated by a dermatologist or allergist and the type of treatment will depend on the cause and intensity of the symptoms. Generally, treatment is done with antihistamines such as desloratadine or ebastine, for example, or with corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone or mometasone, in the form of creams, ointments, syrups or pills, which are used to relieve and treat the symptoms of allergy.

In addition, in cases where the itching is very intense, the doctor may also recommend the use of an allergy ointment, which will moisturize the skin and relieve itching and redness.

How to know if it is skin allergy

The diagnosis of skin allergy can be made by the allergist or the dermatologist, according to the causes, which assesses the symptoms manifested in the skin. In some cases the diagnosis can be confirmed through allergy tests, done by pricking the arm and responding after 15-20 minutes, or through another test that consists of applying (usually on the back), different substances known as cause skin allergies, leaving them to act between 48 to 72 hours, or even through a blood test.

After the indicated time, the doctor will then check if the test was positive or negative, observing if there was redness, itching or if there were pimples on the skin, thus also identifying the agent responsible for causing the allergy. Blood tests may also indicate a cause for the allergy. See how the allergy test is done by clicking here.

Is skin allergy more common in pregnancy?

Skin allergy during pregnancy can happen due to hormonal and immune system changes that occur naturally during this period, which can make the pregnant woman more sensitive to the appearance of an unwanted skin allergy.

In these cases, it is recommended that you try to calm the skin with creams or lotions that help to relieve discomfort and irritation in the skin, and it is recommended that you consult the dermatologist or allergist as soon as possible.

Generally, skin allergy during pregnancy does not harm the baby, however if the symptoms of the allergy are severe it is recommended to go to the emergency room or hospital.

Skin allergy: how to identify, causes and how to treat