Home Bulls Mannitol



Mannitol is a diuretic medicine used in the hospital to increase the amount of urine and can be used to prevent kidney failure in the event of surgery or to reduce intracranial pressure.

Mannitol cannot be purchased in conventional pharmacies, but can only be used by health professionals in hospitals.

Mannitol indications

Mannitol is indicated to increase the amount of urine, prevent the appearance of kidney failure during vascular surgery or after trauma, reduce intracranial pressure, treat brain swelling, reduce intraocular pressure, treat glaucoma attacks, eliminate toxic substances by urinate or relieve any swelling caused by heart or kidney problems.

How to use mannitol

Mannitol can only be used by health professionals in the hospital after the cardiologist, neurologist or nephrologist has indicated it, and cannot be used at home by the patient.

Side effects of mannitol

The main side effects of mannitol arise, especially when the drug is not administered properly and include dehydration, congestive heart failure, swelling of the lungs, or sudden drop in blood pressure, for example.

Contraindications of mannitol

Mannitol is contraindicated in patients with severe kidney disease, progressive heart failure, pulmonary congestion, severe dehydration, intracranial hemorrhage, progressive kidney damage or with hypersensitivity to mannitol.
