Home Bulls Megestat



Megestat is an antineoplastic medication that has Megestrol as its active substance.

This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of cancer, since it acts on cancer cells preventing their proliferation.

Megestat indications

Breast cancer; endometrial cancer.

Megestat Price

Box of Megestat 40 mg with costs approximately 378 reais.

Side effects of Megestat

Weight gain.

Contraindications for Megestat

Pregnancy risk x; lactating women; acute liver disease; thromboembolic disease; undiagnosed urinary bleeding; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Megestat

Oral use


  • Breast cancer: Administer 40 mg of Megestat, 4 times a day. Endometrial cancer: Administer 10 to 60 mg, 4 times a day.