Home Bulls Best exercises to eliminate belly

Best exercises to eliminate belly


The best exercises to eliminate the belly are those that work the whole body, expend a lot of calories and strengthen several muscles at the same time. This is because these exercises increase the muscles, raising the basal metabolism causing the individual to burn more fat even while sleeping.

Some good examples of exercises to burn belly fat are:

  • Swimming: One of the most complete sports that works all the muscles. An hour of swimming burns about 700 calories. Running: To run well, you need to have your abdominal muscles contracted and your back erect. An hour of running burns about 900 calories. Olympic Gymnastics: In this type of exercise, the center of gravity is put to the test by demanding a lot from the abdominal region. An hour of gymnastics burns about 900 calories. Football: Despite working hard on the legs, as you have to run, this exercise burns a lot of fat. An hour of play burns about 700 calories.

Bodybuilding, localized gymnastics and Pilates classes are also excellent for getting a flat stomach, free from unwanted fat. However, to achieve optimum results it is important to exercise at least 3 times a week and to follow a diet low in fat, carbohydrates and sugar.

A physical trainer will be able to prescribe a series of personalized exercises, respecting his limitations.

If you want to know how many calories your body spends on certain exercises, enter your details below:

See how to eat well to burn fat and build muscle in the following video:

To lose belly, see also:

  • 3 Pilates exercises to lose belly

Best exercises to eliminate belly