Home Bulls Melleril



Melleril is an antipsychotic medication whose active substance is Thioridazine.

This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of psychological disorders such as dementia and depression. Melleril's action is to alter the functioning of neurotransmitters, reducing abnormal behaviors and having a sedative effect.

Indications of Melleril

Dementia (in the elderly); neurotic depression; alcohol dependence; behavior disorder (children); psychosis.

Melleril price

The 200 mg Melleril box containing 20 tablets costs approximately 53 reais.

Side effects of Melleril

Skin rash; dry mouth; constipation; lack of appetite; nausea; vomiting; Headache; increased heart rate; gastritis; insomnia; feeling of heat or cold; sweats; dizziness; tremors; vomiting.

Contraindications for Melleril

Pregnant or lactating women; severe cardiovascular disease; brain disease; brain or nervous system damage; bone marrow depression; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Melleril

Oral use

Adults up to 65 years

  • Psychosis: Start treatment with the administration of 50 to 100 mg of Melleril per day, divided into 3 doses. Gradually increase the dose.


  • Psychosis: Start treatment with the administration of 25 mg of Melleril per day, divided into 3 doses. Neurotic depression; alcohol dependence; Dementia: Start treatment with the administration of 25 mg of Melleril per day, divided into 3 doses. The maintenance dose is 20 to 200 mg daily.