Home Bulls Menopur



Menopur is an ovulation stimulating medication that has Menotrophin as its active substance.

This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of infertility, since it acts by stimulating the maturation of ovarian follicles in women and stimulating the production of sperm in men.

Indications of Menopur

Female and male infertility.

Menopur Price

The price of the Menopur 75UI bottle can vary from 86 to 97 reais.

Side effects of Menopur

Increased ovaries; abdominal distension; nausea.

Contraindications for Menopur

Pregnancy risk X; Lactating women; thyroid and suprarenal dysfunction; intracranial injury; high levels of gonadotropin; abnormal bleeding; tumor in the testicles; tumor in the ovaries.

How to use Menopur

Injectable use


  • Women: Start with the administration of 75 IU per day, for 9 to 12 days, followed by an injection of gonadotropin, intramuscularly. Men: Start treatment with the application of gonadotropin, intramuscularly, 3 times a week, until masculinization occurs, which usually occurs from 3 to 6 months. Then, for Menopur 75 IU applications, intramuscularly 3 times a week, interspersed with the application of gonadotropin, 2 times a week.