Home Bulls Meperidine (demerol)

Meperidine (demerol)


Meperidine is an analgesic substance from the opioid group that prevents the transmission of the painful impulse in the central nervous system, similarly to morphine, helping to relieve several types of very severe pain.

This substance can also be known as Pethidine and can be purchased under the trade name Demerol, Dolantina or Dolosal, in the form of 50 mg tablets.


The price of Demerol can vary between 50 and 100 reais, according to the commercial name and the number of pills in the box.

What is it for

Meperidine is indicated to relieve acute episodes of moderate to severe pain, caused by illness or surgery, for example.

How to take

The recommended dose should be guided by a doctor, according to the type of pain and the body's response to the medication.

However, general guidelines indicate a dose of 50 to 150 mg, every 4 hours, up to a maximum of 600 mg per day.

Main side effects

The use of this medication can cause some side effects such as dizziness, excessive tiredness, nausea, vomiting and excessive sweating.

In addition, as with any opioid analgesic, meperidine can cause respiratory arrest, especially when used in a higher dose than recommended by the doctor.

When not to use

Meperidine is contraindicated for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. It should also not be used by people who are allergic to the substance, who have used MAO-inhibiting drugs in the last 14 days, with respiratory failure, acute abdominal problems, severe alcoholism, delirium tremens , epilepsy or central nervous system depression.

Meperidine (demerol)