Home Bulls Mesna (mitexan)

Mesna (mitexan)


Mesna is an antineoplastic remedy used to prevent and treat the toxic effects of drugs used to treat various types of cancer, such as Ifosfamide or Cyclophosphamide, for example.

Mesna cannot be purchased in conventional pharmacies, as it can only be used under the supervision of healthcare professionals in hospitals.

Indications of Mesna

Mesna is indicated for the prevention of toxicity of oxazaphosphorins, such as Cyclophosphamide, Ifosfamide or Trophosphamide, at the level of the urinary tract, in cases of cancer treatment with high doses of these drugs.

How to use Mesna

Mesna can only be used under the supervision of health professionals in the hospital, after the indication of the oncologist and, therefore, cannot be used at home by the patient.

Side effects of Mesna

The main side effects of Mesna include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Contraindications for Mesna

No contraindications for Mesna are described.

Mesna (mitexan)