Home Bulls Metaraminol



Metaraminol is the active substance in a vasopressor medicine known commercially as Aramin.

This injectable drug is indicated for low blood pressure (hypotension) since its action compresses the peripheral vessels, causing an increase in cardiac output.

Metaraminol Indications

Arterial hypotension.

Metaraminol Price

A box of 10 mg containing 50 ampoules costs approximately 253 reais.

Side Effects of Metaraminol

Anxiety; seizure; cardiac arrhythmia; increased blood glucose; increased decrease in heart rate; increase or decrease in blood pressure; tiredness; seizure (with overuse); decreased amount of urine; Headache; palpitation; fever; chest pain; Respiratory problem; pallor; tremor; dizziness; vasoconstriction (narrowing of the vessels); vomiting.

Contraindications for Metaraminol

Pregnancy Risk C; breast-feeding; hypercapnea; deep hypoxia; patient under general anesthesia with cyclopropane and other inhalable hydrocarbon anesthetics; peripheral or mesenteric vascular thrombosis.

How to Use Metaraminol

Injectable Use


  • 2 to 10 mg, intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Wait at least 10 minutes to assess the effects of the initial dose before making a new application.


  • 0.1 mg per kg of body weight, intramuscularly or subcutaneously.