Home Bulls Micardis



Micardis is a medicine that has Telmisartan as its active substance.

This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure. Its action decreases the effects of contraction of blood vessels, facilitating circulation and keeping blood pressure stable.

Micardis indications

High pressure.

Micardis side effects

Nausea; urinary infection; respiratory infection; vertigo; vision disorders; pain in the abdomen; diarrhea; dry mouth; gases; stomach ache; eczema; back pain; cramps; the flu; tendonitis symptoms; insomnia; itch; fainting; tachycardia; dyspnoea; weakness.

Micardis contraindications

Pregnancy risk C and D; lactating women; liver and kidney failure.

How to use Micardis

Oral use

  • Start treatment with the administration of 40 to 80 mg of Micardis in a single daily dose. If the symptoms do not improve, it is recommended to use a diuretic as a supplement.