Home Bulls Mycophenolate



Mycophenolate is an oral medication, known commercially as Cellcept.

This medication is an immunosuppressant, used to treat individuals who have undergone organ transplants.

Mycophenolate works by preparing the body to accept the transplanted organ and inhibiting possible inflammatory reactions.

Mycophenolate Indications

Organ rejection in heart, kidney and liver transplants.

Side Effects of Mycophenolate

Anemia; chest pain; increased cough; difficulty in breathing; blood in the urine; increased pressure; decrease in white blood cells; arrhythmia; joint pain; gastrointestinal bleeding; colitis; gingivitis; muscle pain; mouth injury; pancreas problems; decreased platelets, tremor; abdominal pain; Headache; stomachache; nausea; vomiting; weakness; indigestion; pimples; dizziness; insomnia; rash on the skin.

Contraindications of Mycophenolate

Risk Pregnancy C; lactating women; hypersensitivity to the product or to any of its components.

How to use Mycophenolate

Oral use


  • Heart transplant rejection: Administer 1.5 g of Mycophenolate, 2 times a day. Kidney transplant rejection: Administer 1 g of mycophenolate twice a day. Liver transplant rejection: Administer 1.5 g of Miclophenolate, 2 times a day.