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Too much sleep: what can be and what to do


Excessive sleep during the day can be caused by several factors, the most common being sleeping poorly or poorly at night or working in shifts, which can be circumvented with good sleep habits.

However, there are other conditions or factors that can be the cause of excessive sleep during the day and that should be seen by the doctor.

1. Insufficient quantity and quality of sleep

When you sleep poorly at night or in insufficient amounts, it is very common to get sleep during the day. It is believed that, in addition to stress and anxiety, sleepless nights are also a consequence of the use of television, computer and greater demands for hours of work, studies and social commitments.

To get around this problem, it is important to adopt routines and conditions that enable better quality and duration of sleep, so that the next day the person feels more active. Learn how to do good sleep hygiene.

2. Medical conditions

Neurological conditions such as depression, anxiety, narcolepsy or neurodegenerative diseases contribute to changes in the quality and quantity of sleep during the day. In addition, suffering from other medical conditions, such as head trauma, stroke, cancer, hypothyroidism, inflammatory diseases or anemia can also make the person more sleepy and tired during the day.

In these cases, it is important to directly address the cause of the disease.

3. Use of medicines

The use of certain medications, such as antihistamines, muscle relaxants, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, lithium, antiparkinsonians or cardiovascular drugs, for example, can cause drowsiness, which is more noticeable during the day.

If the sleepiness is excessive, you should talk to the doctor to replace the medication, if possible and justified.

4. Consumption of substances that promote sleep

The consumption during the day of foods and medicinal plants that favor sleep, such as passion fruit, valerian or lemon balm, for example, can leave the person more relaxed and sleepy, and may compromise daily activities.

In these cases, one should avoid ingesting these substances during the day.

5. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea makes breathing difficult at night, which can lead to recurrent nighttime awakenings, a feeling of non-restorative sleep, fatigue during the day and difficulty concentrating.

Treatment can be done with the use of a special device and changes in lifestyle. Learn more about treatment.

What excessive sleep can cause

Just as important as knowing what can cause sleep is knowing how much sleep can cause. Sleeping poorly or not sleeping can have serious health implications and, therefore, over the months, the lack of restful sleep can cause:

  • Lack or difficulty concentrating; Low school or work performance; Insulin resistance; Stress and anxiety; Increased risk of stroke, heart attack and sudden death; Increased risk of road accidents; Hypertension; Atherosclerosis; Obesity.

In addition, individuals who work in shifts, over the years, still have an increased risk of developing some type of cancer in relation to people who work conventionally.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for excessive sleep depends on its cause. The doctor will be able to give some indications so that the individual has a good night of restful sleep and, so that he is more alert during the day. In addition, it may also indicate the use of caffeine-based nervous system stimulating drugs, for example.

Some tips that can help the individual to remain in a good state of alert during the day are taking a cold shower upon waking, consuming stimulating foods such as coffee, black tea and ginger every 3 hours and keeping the mind active during the day.

Too much sleep: what can be and what to do