Home Bulls Nandrolone



Nandrolone is an anabolic medication known commercially as Deca- Durabolin.

This injectable drug is mainly indicated for individuals with anemia or with chronic diseases, since its action promotes a greater absorption of proteins, stimulates the appetite and increases the production of hemoglobins in the blood.

Nandrolone Indications

Treatment after trauma surgery; chronic debilitating disease; prolonged glucocorticoid therapies; anemia associated with renal failure.

Nandrolone Price

A box of Nandrolone of 25 mg and 1 ampoule costs approximately 9 reais and the box of 50 mg of the drug costs approximately 18 reais.

Side Effects of Nandrolone

Increased calcium in the blood; weight gain; yellowish color on the skin and eyes; decreased blood glucose; swelling; edema; prolonged and painful erection of the penis; excessive sexual stimulation; hypersensitivity reaction; signs of virilization (in women).

Contraindications to Nandrolone

Pregnancy risk X; lactating women; prostate cancer; severe heart or kidney disease; decreased liver function; history of active hypercalcemia; breast cancer.

How to use Nandrolone

Injectable use


  • Men: Apply 50 to 200 mg of Nandrolone intramuscularly, every 1 to 4 weeks. Women: Apply 50 to 100 mg of Nandrolone intramuscularly, every 1 to 4 weeks. If the product is used for longer periods, the treatment can last up to 12 weeks and be repeated, if necessary after 30 days of interruption.


  • 2 to 13 years of age: Apply 25 to 50 mg of Nandrolone intramuscularly, every 3 to 4 weeks. 14 years and over: Apply the same doses as adults.