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Understand what circumscribed neurodermatitis is


Circumscribed neurodermatitis or chronic simple lichen is a change in the skin that happens when the skin is itchy or rubbed constantly. This is a very common skin disease that causes symptoms such as irritation and peeling of the skin, which can be triggered by the weather, food, sweat or stress.

Neurodermatitis treatment aims to recover damaged skin and prevent it from being scratched again. It is important to identify the cause of the itch and thus avoid contact.

Causes of neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis can be triggered by factors:

  • Emotional, such as stress, tiredness, irritability or nervousness; Physical, such as contact with an aggressive agent, such as an insect, allergy to the fabric of clothing, touching something that causes an allergic reaction; Climate, such as excess heat, excess cold or excess sweat.

The cause influences the treatment, because if neurodermatitis appears due to contact with the offending agent, it is important to avoid it to avoid irritation on the skin that is characteristic of neurodermatitis.

Localized neurodermatitis usually happens due to allergic reactions, such as insect bites, for example.

Main features of neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis lesions appear most often in the arms and neck, but can also appear behind the neck. The main characteristics of neurodermatitis are:

  • Itching in a specific place; Skin thickening in place; Skin peeling in place; Well-defined lesions; Skin wounds.

Due to the thickening and itching, the skin may be reddened or darkened where it is irritated.

How the treatment is done

To treat neurodermatitis, the person should avoid scratching the area and follow the treatment established by the dermatologist, which can be:

  • Use of an antihistamine to stop itching; Use of a corticoid ointment on the lesions, as they create a barrier against itching and treat the lesions; Good skin hydration, with the use of moisturizing creams and ingestion of plenty of water; Warm bath or cold, as hot water can cause itching.

In the case of neurodermatitis caused by emotional problems, treatment may include the accompaniment of a psychologist. People diagnosed with neurodermatitis since childhood are more likely to develop other allergic diseases, such as rhinitis and asthma, for example. See how home treatment for neurodermatitis is done.

Neurodermatitis has a cure

With proper treatment, neurodermatitis is curable. The person usually feels better about 3 to 5 days after the start of treatment, but to prevent a new condition of neurodermatitis, it is advised that the individual find out what may be causing the itch and thus avoid these situations. It is also important to avoid scratching the injured area to avoid worsening the condition.

Understand what circumscribed neurodermatitis is