Home Bulls Nipride



Nipride is an antihypertensive medication that has Nitroprusside as its active substance.

This injectable drug is indicated for individuals who suffer from high blood pressure, since the action of Nipride has a direct effect on the smooth muscle of the veins and arteries causing vasodilation and decreasing pressure.

Indications of Nipride

High pressure.

Nipride Price

The 50 mg Nipride box costs approximately 131 reais.

Side Effects of Nipride

Headache; dizziness; nausea; abdominal pain; muscle spasms; sweats; vertigo; palpitations; muscle tremors; bradycardia; changes in the electroencephalogram exam; hypothyroidism; skin rashes.

Contraindications for Nipride

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; inadequate cerebral circulation; acute congestive failure; compensatory hypertension; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Nipride

Injectable use

Adults and children

  • Start with the administration of 0.3 mcg per kg of body weight per minute. The usual dose is usually 3 mcg per kg of weight per minute.