Home Bulls Isoconazole nitrate

Isoconazole nitrate


Isoconazole nitrate is an antifungal medication known commercially as Gyno-Icaden and Icaden.

This topical and vaginal medicine is effective in treating infections of the vagina, penis and skin caused by fungi, such as balanitis and mycotic vaginitis.

Isoconazole Nitrate acts by interfering with the action of ergosterol, an essential substance to maintain the cell membrane of fungi, which in this way end up being eliminated from the individual's body.

Isoconazole Nitrate Indications

Erythrasma; superficial ringworm of the skin (feet, hands, pubic region); balanitis; mycotic vaginitis; mycotic vulvovaginitis.

Side Effects of Isoconazole Nitrate

Burning sensation; itch; irritation in the vagina; skin allergy.

Contraindications for Isoconazole Nitrate

Do not use in the first 3 months of pregnancy; lactating women; individuals hypersensitive to any component of the formula.

How to use Isoconazole Nitrate

Topical Use


  • Superficial ringworm of the skin: Do a good hygiene and apply a light layer of the medicine on the affected area, once a day. This procedure must be repeated for 4 weeks or until the lesions disappear. In case of ringworm on the feet, dry the spaces between the toes well to apply the medicine.

Vaginal Use


  • Mycotic vaginitis; Vulvovaginitis: Use the disposable applicator that comes with the product and apply a dose of the medicine daily. The procedure must be repeated for 7 days. In the case of vulvovaginitis, in addition to this procedure, apply a light layer of the drug to the external genitalia, twice a day. Balanitis: Apply a light layer of the medicine on the glans, 2 times a day for 7 days.
Isoconazole nitrate