Home Bulls Nqi



NQI is a phosphorus-based food supplement from the Gauer laboratory that helps in the treatment of kidney stones contributing to the elimination of kidney stones. NQI is a combination of phosphates that differs from the phosphorus present in food.

NQI indications

Kidney stone; improve memory and physical and mental disposition; prevent the deposition of calcium crystals in the joints that can cause arthritis; prevent and treat osteoporosis; improve calcium storage; improve arterial elasticity;

NQI price

The price of NQI is approximately 70 reais per pack with 60 capsules of 500mg of phosphorus.

Side effects of NQI

There is not.

Against NQI indications

Pregnancy, lactation, children under 3 years of age.

How to use the NQI

It is recommended to take 4 NQI capsules a day fasting at once, and wait 20 minutes to eat any food.

Attention: This information was revealed by the manufacturer of the product and needs further scientific evidence.
