Home Symptoms Hyperbaric chamber: what it is, what it is for and how it works

Hyperbaric chamber: what it is, what it is for and how it works


The hyperbaric chamber, also known as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, is a treatment based on breathing oxygen in large quantities in a place with higher atmospheric pressure than in the normal environment. When this happens, the body absorbs more oxygen to the lungs and helps to improve blood circulation by stimulating the growth of healthy cells and fighting bacteria.

There are two types of hyperbaric chambers, one for the exclusive use of one person and the other for the use of several people at the same time. These chambers are found in private clinics and are available in SUS hospitals in some situations, for example, for the treatment of diabetic foot.

It is important to know that this type of procedure has not yet scientific proof and not enough studies that point to a cure for diseases such as diabetes, cancer or autism, however some doctors may suggest this type of treatment when other treatments do not show expected results.

What is it for

The body's tissues need oxygen to function properly, and when an injury occurs to some of these tissues, more oxygen is needed for repair. The hyperbaric chamber offers more oxygen in these situations in which the body needs to recover from any injury, improving healing and fighting infections.

In this way, it can be used to treat various diseases such as:

  • Wounds that do not heal, such as diabetic foot, severe anemia, pulmonary embolism; Burns; Carbon monoxide poisoning; Brain abscess; Radiation injuries; Decompression sickness; Gangrene.

This type of treatment is prescribed by the doctor in conjunction with other medications and that is why it is important not to abandon conventional treatment. In addition, the duration of treatment with the hyperbaric chamber depends on the extent of the wounds and the severity of the disease, but the doctor may recommend up to 30 sessions of this therapy.

How it is done

Treatment using a hyperbaric chamber can be indicated by any doctor and can be performed in a hospital or clinic. Hospitals and clinics may have different hyperbaric camera devices and oxygen can be delivered through appropriate masks or helmets or directly into the air chamber space.

To perform the hyperbaric chamber session, the person is lying or sitting breathing deeply for 2 hours and a doctor may indicate more than one session depending on the disease to be treated.

During therapy inside the hyperbaric chamber it is possible to feel pressure in the ear, as it happens inside the airplane, for this it is important to make a chewing movement to improve this sensation. And yet, it is important to notify the doctor if you have claustrophobia, because due to the length of the session fatigue and malaise can happen. Understand what claustrophobia is.

In addition, to carry out this type of therapy, some care is required and no flammable product should be brought into the chamber, such as lighters, battery powered devices, deodorants or oil-based products.

Possible side effects

Treatment through the hyperbaric chamber has few health risks.

In some rare cases, the hyperbaric chamber can cause seizures due to the high amount of oxygen in the brain. Other side effects may be rupture in the eardrum, vision problems and pneumothorax which is the entry of oxygen to the outside of the lung.

It is necessary to inform the doctor in case of discomfort during, or even after, the hyperbaric chamber.

Who should not use

The hyperbaric chamber is contraindicated in some cases, for example, in people who have had recent ear surgery, who have a cold or fever. And yet, people with other types of lung diseases like asthma and COPD should inform the doctor, as they have a higher risk of pneumothorax.

It is also important to inform the doctor about the use of continuous medications, as they can influence treatment with a hyperbaric chamber. For example, the use of drugs made during chemotherapy can cause complications, so the use of the hyperbaric chamber should always be evaluated by the doctor.

Hyperbaric chamber: what it is, what it is for and how it works