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Functional training: what it is, benefits and how to do it


Functional training is a method of physical activity performed without gym equipment, which aims to improve physical condition by imitating normal daily movements. This type of training slims, and gives a well-designed and firm body in a few weeks of training, because it works at the same time with several muscle groups, favoring the increase of metabolism, caloric expenditure, muscular endurance gain and improvement of physical conditioning.

In addition, functional training also serves to strengthen the abdomen, lower back, prevent injuries, reduce tiredness and strengthen muscles. Functional training is intense, dynamic and performed on circuits, with time usually being set for performing the series of exercises without making intervals between movements, just between one series and another.

Main benefits

Functional exercises are performed, most of the time, using the weight of the body itself and involves performing movements that are part of everyday life, such as squatting, running, jumping, pulling and pushing, for example. In addition, because it is also of high intensity, functional exercises have several benefits, the main ones being:

  • Improves physical conditioning and cardiorespiratory capacity; Increases muscle strength; Promotes weight loss, as there is increased metabolism, favoring fat burning even after training; Favors muscle definition; Improves motor coordination; Improves posture and body balance; decreases the chances of injury; improves flexibility.

Functional exercises can be performed in any space and are fast, with circuits varying from 20 to 40 minutes depending on the size and number of sets to be performed. It is important that the practice of functional exercises is monitored by a physical education professional so that the exercises are performed correctly and intensely to have benefits.

How to do functional training

Functional training exercises are usually performed in circuits, which stimulates cardiorespiratory improvement, in addition to promoting greater physical resistance. For the person to feel the benefits of functional training, it is important that it is done under the guidance of a physical education professional, as this way it is possible to build a circuit according to the person's goals. Check out some examples of functional exercises.

Functional training can be done by athletes, postpartum, sedentary or anyone who is interested in increasing flexibility, losing weight and strengthening muscles. There are no contraindications, as the exercises can be adapted to the individual's needs, which means that functional training can be practiced even by elderly people with orthopedic diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, back pain, herniated disc and others.

Functional training: what it is, benefits and how to do it