Home Symptoms What is and how to treat seroma

What is and how to treat seroma


Seroma is a complication that can arise after any surgery, being characterized by the accumulation of fluid under the skin, close to the surgical scar. This accumulation of fluid is more common after surgery in which there was cutting and manipulation of the skin and fatty tissue, such as after plastic surgery, abdominoplasty, liposuction, breast surgery or after cesarean section, for example, resulting from the inflammation caused by the procedure and body defense reactions.

The small seroma can be reabsorbed naturally by the skin, resolving itself after about 10 to 21 days, however, in some cases, it is necessary to perform a puncture with a syringe by the doctor. To reduce this complication, it is recommended to use braces or compressive dressings after surgery, in addition to care to facilitate healing. Check essential care that must be taken with the cesarean scar.

Main signs and symptoms

Seroma can be identified from the following signs and symptoms:

  • Exit of clear or transparent liquid through the scar; Local swelling; Fluctuation in the scar site; Pain in the scar region; Reddish skin and increased temperature around the scar.

In addition, there may be reddish or brown color when the seroma is mixed with blood, which is more common soon after surgery, and tends to become clearer as the healing process continues.

As soon as signs of seroma are noticed, it is important to consult the doctor so that an assessment can be made and, depending on the severity, treatment begins.

When seroma arises

The seroma usually appears during the first 1 to 2 weeks after the operation, and it happens due to the accumulation of liquid in the dead space between the layers of the skin. After the appearance of symptoms that indicate seroma, it is necessary to talk to the surgery who will assess the need for treatment.

When the seroma is not treated, the accumulation of fluid that is not removed can harden, forming an encapsulated seroma, leaving the ugly scar. In addition, treatment is also important because the seroma can become infected, forming an abscess on the scar, with the release of pus, which is treated with antibiotics.

How the treatment is done

Seroma treatment is only necessary when there is a large accumulation of fluids or pain arises, as, in the mildest cases, the body is able to absorb excess fluid. However, when necessary, treatment is done by removing the liquid with a needle and syringe or placing a drain, which is a small tube inserted into the skin directly up to the seroma, allowing the liquid to escape. Better understand what the drain is for and how to care.

If it is necessary to relieve pain, the doctor may also prescribe analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, for example.

The treatment of encapsulated seroma is more complicated, and corticosteroids or surgery may be required to remove them. Ultra-cavitation is also a method that can be used, as it is based on a high-powered ultrasound, which are able to reach the region to be treated and form reactions that stimulate the elimination of the liquid.

In cases where the seroma becomes infected, treatment is usually done with antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. In the case of encapsulated seroma, the doctor may recommend surgery to remove the fluid and to make the scar more beautiful.

Homemade options

The home treatment aims to prevent the seroma from arising and fight it at the first signs. One of the homemade options is the use of compression braces depending on the type of surgery, being usually indicated after abdominal and cesarean surgeries. See how to recover from cesarean section faster.

In addition, it is important to ask the doctor about compresses or ointments that can be placed on the scar, as they speed up the healing process and reduce the swelling that usually arises after the surgical procedure. It is also important to stimulate and facilitate healing, such as orange, pineapple and carrot, for example. Check out a complete list of foods that accelerate healing.

What can cause seroma

Seromas can appear after any surgery, depending on how each person's body recovers. However, this problem is more common in:

  • Extensive surgeries, such as breast removal in case of cancer; Cases that require drains after surgery; Surgeries that cause injuries in various types of tissues; People who have a previous history of seroma.

Although it is a very common complication, it can be avoided with some simple precautions such as using a brace over the scar site and avoiding intense exercise without the doctor's recommendation.

In addition, if there is an increased risk of developing a seroma, the doctor usually places a drain during the surgery so that the accumulated fluid can escape while the wound heals. Check out the main care that should be taken after abdominal surgery to accelerate recovery.

What is and how to treat seroma