Home Bulls How the spinner increases concentration and decreases anxiety

How the spinner increases concentration and decreases anxiety


The hand spinner , also known as fidget spinner , is a small device, usually made of plastic, metal or ceramic, that can be rotated between your fingers.

Although it seems like a very simple concept, this small object helps to improve the concentration of people with attention deficit, hyperactivity, excessive anxiety and, even improve the life of autistic people, also decreasing anxiety.

How it helps to improve concentration

Over the course of several years, the human brain has been adapting and evolving to be able to focus on a task, while using some of the attention to keep evaluating the surrounding environment, looking for possible dangers. This is the same ability that allows you to drive, keeping your attention on the road, but never forgetting to assess if there is any danger on the sides, such as a person crossing or a car passing a red light, for example.

Thus, when you are in the office working or at home studying, the brain is still unable to focus on just one task, constantly evaluating the environment in search of possible dangers. When using this type of device, the attention that would be given to the environment is focused only on the movement of the hand spinner . When this happens, the brain, which does not need to spend as much attention on an object as it would spend on the environment, is freer to focus on the important task.

Who should use the spinner

The hand spinner serves to help people with attention deficit, hyperactivity or excessive anxiety, to focus on a task and release some of the stress accumulated during the work or study day, for example.

Generally, these people end up developing other strategies to keep their attention, but that can bother those around them, such as:

  • Keep squeezing the pen; Tap the table repeatedly with your fingers; Bite your nails; Swing your legs.

In addition, as it requires an elaborate hand movement and looks like a game, it can also help children with autism to develop their dexterity and fine motor skills.

Benefits of playing with the spinner

While observing or feeling the device running, it is possible to keep the brain focused on another activity, increasing productivity and combating some of the lack of attention caused by psychological changes such as hyperactivity, attention deficit syndrome or autism, for example. In addition, by turning the hand spinner the brain can also release some of the stress it is feeling, being a simple solution for people who often suffer with anxiety.

To use, just hold the center of the hand spinner with your thumb and other finger and then rotate it using one of your free fingers. This movement, in addition to causing a pleasant tactile sensation, also appears to help maintain concentration during various day-to-day activities.

The hand spinner has small metal balls in its center that act as bearings, allowing the sides of the object to rotate almost freely, without any friction. Thus, there are some fidget spinners that, depending on the type of material, can run for up to 6 minutes in a row.

This type of device can be purchased at malls, toy stores and even on the internet, for example.

How the spinner increases concentration and decreases anxiety