Home Symptoms How to treat tendonitis to achieve healing faster

How to treat tendonitis to achieve healing faster


To cure tendonitis faster, one must follow the treatment indicated by the doctor, which may include the use of anti-inflammatories and rest the affected region so that the tendon can recover. Physiotherapy is a good help to deflate the tendon, strengthen weakened muscles and relieve pain. In addition, choosing a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can also help cure tendonitis in less than 1 month.

Tendonitis is an inflammation that occurs in the tendons due to excessive effort or repetition. When treated properly, tendonitis has a good chance of healing. Although it can occur in any tendon in the body, tendonitis is more common in the knee, foot, shoulder, wrist and forearm. The wing manifests itself mainly through pain close to the joint and should be treated with physical therapy.

See the tips from the physiotherapist and nutritionist to cure tendonitis quickly:

The use of splints or other joint immobilizers is controversial, as it can decrease muscle tone and contribute to tendon dehydration, although it is able to leave the affected tendon at rest.

Physiotherapy for Tendonitis

Physical therapy is essential to fight tendonitis. Physiotherapeutic treatment should be directed to fight inflammation and pain using devices and, once the pain subsides, muscle strengthening and stretching should be instituted.

After approximately 20 sessions, a good result should be obtained, but this will not be the same if the individual does not cooperate, using the ice at home and not resting the joint. In addition, one should stop making efforts with the affected member and this includes stopping work, asking for sick leave, if applicable.

The ideal is that the individual does not make any type of effort with the region affected by tendonitis. So, if there is tendonitis in the knee, he should avoid it as much as possible:

  • Standing uprightDriving up and down several times in a row Playing football or practicing any other exercise outside of physical therapy

In addition to this rest, it is recommended to place an ice pack over the inflamed tendon for at least 15 minutes, at least twice a day.

Remedies for tendonitis

The general practitioner, rheumatologist or orthopedist may recommend the use of anti-inflammatory pills such as Ibuprofen that can be taken for 7 to 10 days to relieve pain and inflammation. In addition, it may also indicate the use of ointments that can help control pain and inflammation such as Feldene and Calminex, for example.

When to immobilize the region

It is not always advisable to immobilize the affected limb because, at times, it is enough to rest and avoid forcing the joint too hard to facilitate healing. See the table below:

Intensity of Symptoms Treatment
Pain only during activity, slight increase in sensation at the site Change activity, rest
Little pain during activity *, the site is sensitive Physiotherapy, immobilization, taking medicine
Pain interferes with activity and it is difficult to work Modifying activity, physiotherapy, medicines, immobilization, you may need to take leave of absence at work
Always present pain during activity, increased sensitivity, muscle weakness, local swelling Immobilization, exercise, physiotherapy and medication may be necessary
Always present pain, interferes with daily activities, chronic symptoms, weak muscles Prolonged rest, medication, physical therapy, surgery may be necessary.

* The activity can be the work that the person has, for example.

Signs of improvement and worsening

The signs of improvement appear when treatment is started and are characterized by pain relief. The signs of worsening, on the other hand, are when the pain increases in intensity, there is greater difficulty in making movements and a worsening of the lack of strength, which may indicate that the treatment is not being effective, and it may be necessary to adopt other strategies.

Complications of tendonitis

In some cases, tendonitis can worsen, leading to the deposition of calcium crystals in the tendon, which can generate greater dehydration and facilitate its rupture, becoming known as tendinosis. In this case, only surgery can solve the problem.

How to treat tendonitis to achieve healing faster