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Aesthetic treatments against localized fat


To burn localized fat more easily, in addition to exercising and a low-calorie diet, you can opt for aesthetic treatments that lead to disruption and consequently elimination of cells that store fat.

Some great options are high-frequency ultrasound, carboxitherapy, radiofrequency and electrolipolysis devices that achieve great results in a relatively short time, but the choice of treatment should be guided by a specialized physiotherapist or beautician, taking into account the amount of accumulated fat, its appearance and whether it is soft or hard.

But to complement these treatments and to be able to eliminate localized fat faster, one must practice high intensity exercises daily, or at least 3 times a week for about 1 hour, and eat every 3 hours and avoid eating rich foods in fat, such as snacks, sausages and pre-prepared foods, for example.

It is more common for women to accumulate fat on their thighs, back and hips, and it is after menopause that this accumulation becomes more pronounced. In men, on the other hand, the most accumulated places are the belly and the buttocks, having a greater relationship with physical inactivity and the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

How to eliminate localized fat

Some options to eliminate localized fat are:

1. Fat located on the back

The fat located on the back is that which can be seen at the bottom of the shoulder blades or just below the bra line, forming the "folds" of the back. To eliminate the fat located in the back, it is recommended to perform localized exercise, such as rowing, which works and tones the muscles of the back and helps to burn the fat in that region.

In addition, other treatment options to burn the fat located on the back can be Lipocavitation or Electrolipolysis.

2. Fat located in the belly

The fat located in the belly is one of the most difficult to be eliminated, and it is important to perform daily sit-ups to tone the muscles in that region, which also contribute to the improvement of body posture. You can practice running, walking, aqua aerobics or swimming. The most important thing is not to stand still and invest in exercises that make your shirt sweat and increase your heart rate.

Supplements can also be used to burn fat, such as L-carnitine or CLA that facilitate the loss of abdominal fat by destroying fat deposits, however they should only be used as directed by a doctor or nutritionist because they are not suitable for everyone.

The aesthetic treatments that achieve the best results in this region are cryolipolysis, lipocavitation, radiofrequency, manthus and, in the last case, abdominoplasty.

3. Fat located on the thighs

The fat located on the thighs is that which can be seen in the inner and posterior region of the legs, close to the butt, which is usually filled with cellulite. Against the fat located in this region, it is advisable to perform exercises that work the leg muscles, such as squatting or sinking, with professional guidance so that they are performed correctly, without harming the spine.

Some aesthetic treatments that can help to lose fat in the thighs include, lipocavitation, carboxitherapy, Russian chain or Aussie chain. But exercise can also help. Check out some exercises to thicken your legs that can also help you win this battle.

4. Fat located between the waist and hips

The fat located on the flanks is that which is on the lateral part of the trunk, just below the ribs and above the highest part of the hip bone. To eliminate this fat, you can perform a styling massage, use reducing creams or make aesthetic treatments, such as lipocavitation, carboxitherapy, electrolipolysis or radiofrequency.

See the ingredients that cannot be missing in the measure reducing gel or cream.

5. Fat located on the face

The fat located on the face may be on the cheeks or under the chin, forming the double chin, increasing the size of the face, leaving it with a more swollen appearance. In this case, to eliminate the fat from that area you can perform a radiofrequency treatment, use reducing creams or resort to surgeries such as liposuction, a bichectomy or a facelift, which besides helping to remove the fat, also contributes to the skin stay firm and without wrinkles. Find out how surgery works to thin the face and its risks.

Check out some of these treatments in the following video:

How to guarantee the results of aesthetic treatment

Anyone who opts for an aesthetic treatment, such as lipocavitation, radiofrequency, cryolipolysis or electrolipolysis, for example, must take into account that for the success of this type of treatment, it is necessary to have a lymphatic drainage session and exercise up to 48 hours after each session. treatment, in order to really burn localized fat. Only in this way will the body be able to spend the energy from the localized fat, eliminating it permanently. If this care is not taken, the treatment effect may be lost, because the fat will only be deposited in another region of the body.

In addition, during the aesthetic treatment it is also important to drink about 2 liters of water or green tea (without sugar) a day, every day, and not to eat fatty or sugary foods. This is important to be able to mobilize and eliminate accumulated liquids and toxins and avoid fat storage, due to poor diet.

Aesthetic treatments against localized fat