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Gonorrhea: what it is, how to identify and prevent


Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, caused by a bacterium known as Neisseria gonorrhoeae , which can affect men or women who have intimate contact without a condom, causing frequent infections in the penis, vagina or anus.

Gonorrhea usually occurs in adolescents and young adults aged between 15 and 24, however, it can be avoided with the use of condoms during intimate contact.

Most of the time, gonorrhea is cured by the use of antibiotics, however, after treatment, the patient can become infected again if he has unprotected intimate contact again. In addition, it has been observed that some people do not respond correctly to treatment due to the resistance acquired by the bacteria to the antibiotics commonly used, which makes healing difficult. In this case, it may be necessary to use a combination of different antibiotics to cure gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea symptoms

Symptoms of gonorrhea usually appear 10 days after unprotected intimate contact and it is recommended to consult the doctor to start the best treatment. In women, infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae is usually asymptomatic, however some symptoms may also appear, the main ones being:

  • Pain or burning when urinating; Yellowish-white discharge, similar to pus; Frequent abdominal discomfort; Bleeding between menstrual period and after intimate contact.

In men, in addition to pain or burning when urinating, there may be inflammation of the skin of the penis, sore testicles and discharge of yellow or green liquid through the penis. Know other symptoms of gonorrhea.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for gonorrhea should be guided by a gynecologist, in the case of women, or a urologist, in the case of men, and is usually done with the use of Azithromycin tablets and Ceftriaxone in a single injection to eliminate the bacteria that causes the disease of the organism. Usually the doctor indicates that the treatment must be done in 7 to 10 days, and the person must follow this treatment even if the symptoms no longer exist.

During treatment for gonorrhea it is important that the person avoids having sex until he is completely cured. In addition, the patient's sexual partners should also be treated with antibiotics, even if they have no symptoms, due to the risk of transmitting gonorrhea to others or of contaminating the individual again. Learn more about gonorrhea treatment.

Home treatment

Gonorrhea can also be treated using homemade treatment, such as pomegranate flower tea, for example, as it is a medicinal plant that contains antiseptic and diuretic properties that help eliminate gonorrhea bacteria and strengthen the immune system..

To make tea from pomegranate flowers, just add 2 teaspoons of dried pomegranate leaves in 500 ml of boiling water, allowing to stand for 15 minutes, strain and drink the tea at least once a day. Natural treatment should not replace the treatment recommended by the doctor, only complementary. See other options for home remedies for gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea diagnosis

The diagnosis of gonorrhea is made by the doctor based on the symptoms presented by the person and laboratory tests to identify this bacterium. In the laboratory biochemical tests and identification of the bacteria are made from the person's vaginal secretion or urine.

In addition, an antibiogram is performed in order to verify whether the bacteria is resistant to the antibiotics normally used and, thus, to define the best treatment.

How to prevent gonorrhea

The prevention of gonorrhea must be done through sexual abstinence or having intimate contact with only condoms, as this way the transmission of the bacteria from one person to another is prevented. See how you get gonorrhea.

Although gonorrhea can pass during any type of intimate contact, the bacteria is not transmitted through kissing, hugging or sharing cutlery, for example, because the bacteria is not able to survive outside the human body.

Gonorrhea: what it is, how to identify and prevent