Home Bulls Hiatal hernia: what it is, symptoms and when to have surgery

Hiatal hernia: what it is, symptoms and when to have surgery


The hiatus hernia corresponds to a small structure that forms when a portion of the stomach passes through an orifice called a hiatus, which is found in the diaphragm and, normally, should only allow the esophagus to pass. Understand what a hernia is and why it forms.

The causes of the hiatal hernia formation are still not very clear, but obesity and excessive physical activities can favor the appearance of this hernia. In the presence of this type of hernia, the stomach is not completely closed, facilitating the return of the acid content into the esophagus and leading to gastroesophageal reflux and a burning sensation in the throat.

The diagnosis of hiatus hernia can be made by the doctor after observing reflux symptoms, although the only way to confirm the existence of the hernia is to do an endoscopy or a CT scan, for example.

Symptoms of hiatal hernia

Symptoms of hiatal hernia usually appear about 20 to 30 minutes after meals and tend to disappear shortly afterwards, the main symptoms being:

  • Heartburn and burning in the throat; Difficulty swallowing; Dry and irritating cough; Frequent bitter taste; Bad breath; Frequent belching; Feeling of slow digestion; Willing to vomit frequently.

These symptoms can also be indicative of reflux and, therefore, it is common for gastroesophageal reflux to be diagnosed before hiatal hernia. Learn more about hiatal hernia symptoms.

How the treatment is done

The best treatment option for hiatal hernia is weight loss, and, in most cases, it is necessary to adapt the diet and avoid the consumption of foods that are too fat or too spicy and drink alcoholic beverages. These foods are more difficult to digest and can worsen the symptoms of the disease, and should always be avoided.

In addition, it is important to eat light meals with a small amount and eat every 3 hours to treat the discomfort caused, as well as avoid lying down right after eating and not drinking fluids with meals. Take the opportunity to see other important cares that also help to reduce the discomfort.

When surgery is indicated

Surgery for hiatal hernia is indicated only in more severe cases and when care with food is not enough to relieve symptoms caused by gastroesophageal reflux or when there is strangulation of the hernia, for example.

This type of surgery is done through laparoscopy, under general anesthesia and the total recovery takes about 2 months. Understand how surgery for gastroesophageal reflux is done.

Possible causes

Hiatus hernia can be caused by excessive physical activity that requires a lot of strength, such as weight lifting, for example, in addition, overweight, blows to the belly and chronic cough can also cause hiatal hernia. However, in most cases, it is not possible to identify what led to this change.

Hiatal hernia: what it is, symptoms and when to have surgery