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Hemangioma: symptoms, types and treatment


Hemangioma is a benign tumor formed by the abnormal accumulation of blood vessels, which can appear in different parts of the body, being more common in the skin, liver or kidneys, for example. On the skin, the hemangioma may appear as a reddish or purplish spot or a compact, solid and prominent tumor.

According to the period in which it appears, hemangioma can be classified into:

  • Congenital hemangioma, which is identified at birth or during pregnancy through ultrasound; Infantile hemangioma, which appears in the first 2 weeks of life, can grow until the first year of age and reduces around 10 years of age.

In some cases it is common for the hemangioma to persist after 10 years, especially in the case of hemangioma in internal organs. Hemangioma appears more frequently in premature, Caucasian and female babies.

The hemangioma can be cured by surgery, but the treatment is only done in cases of excessive growth of the tumor, since, in most cases, it does not cause complications and does not become cancer. Learn more about treatment for angioma.

Main types

The main types of hemangioma include:

  • Hemangioma in the liver: it is a type of benign tumor that appears in the liver and does not cause symptoms, being detected in routine exams. Understand what hemangioma is in the liver and when it can be severe; Cavernous hemangioma: it is a malformation of blood vessels that is present in the baby's skin, but can also affect muscles or bones. It evolves with the child's growth and increases suddenly when hormonal changes, local pressure or trauma occur; Capillary hemangioma: located in the upper layer of the skin and usually disappears after 10 years of age; Hemangioma in the spine: it is a benign lesion of the blood vessels that is located in the spine, and has no symptoms. When it causes back pain, surgery may be recommended; Flat hemangioma: it is observed on the skin as flat burgundy spots that, from the age of 20, may increase, forming nodules that may bleed.

Generally, flat or cavernous hemangiomas are congenital, already born with the newborn. Know other causes of red spot on the baby's skin.

Does hemangioma cause symptoms?

Normally, the different types of hemangioma do not cause any symptoms, and they are often detected by chance when performing routine tests, such as ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Thus, the diagnosis of hemangioma on the skin is usually made in the general practitioner's office through observation of the lesion. In cases of suspected hemangioma in the liver or other organs, it is recommended to do an MRI to observe the problem and make the diagnosis.

Although it is not severe and malignant transformation is rare, depending on where the hemangioma is located, there may be impairment in the development of some functions. When present close to the eye, it can impair vision development, for example.

How to treat

The treatment for hemangioma is done only with the surveillance of the problem by the general practitioner, as it is common for the hemangioma to disappear on its own. In some cases, the doctor may recommend consulting a hepatologist to evaluate and monitor the hemangioma in the liver or the dermatologist for the hemangioma on the skin, for example, who should perform a series of dermatological exams. Find out how the dermatological exam is done.

Hemangioma surgery is recommended mainly when the tumor causes complications such as airway obstruction, when it interferes with vision or hearing, or when it makes it difficult for the heart to work, being necessary to remove excess vessels and relieve the patient's symptoms, as well as cases of desires to improve the aesthetic appearance.

In addition to surgery, treatments with laser therapy or sclerotherapy, capable of reducing blood flow and eliminating some vessels, or the use of medications, such as corticosteroids or beta-blockers, that can decrease the proliferation of vessels, chosen depending on the characteristics of each one, may be indicated. case.

Thus, it is recommended to go to the general practitioner when abnormal skin patches appear or that did not exist, as it may be a sign of hemangioma or more serious problems, such as skin cancer. Learn more about how to identify and treat skin blemishes.

Hemangioma: symptoms, types and treatment