Home Bulls External hemorrhoid: what it is, causes and how to treat

External hemorrhoid: what it is, causes and how to treat


External hemorrhoids are characterized by the appearance of anal pain, especially when evacuating, and the presence of anal itching and small nodules that come out through the anus.

In most cases, external hemorrhoids disappear in just 2 days with simple measures such as sitz baths, use of ointments, and measures such as avoiding standing for a long time, and increasing the consumption of fiber and water, to soften the stool. However, when these measures are not enough, surgery can be recommended to remove hemorrhoids permanently.

Check out the best home remedies to improve hemorrhoids quickly in the video below:

How to identify

External hemorrhoids are enlarged veins that exit the anus usually due to intense effort during bowel movements, or by chronic constipation, which cause symptoms such as:

  • Acute pain in the anal area that worsens when evacuating and sitting; Itching in the anus due to the release of mucus and small particles of feces; Palpation of one or more nodules or balls in the anus; Small bleeding after effort to evacuate.

Most of the time, external hemorrhoids also bleed due to trauma to the vein, during the passage of feces or when cleaning the area with toilet paper. In this case, the best thing to do is to wash the area whenever you evacuate, with soap and water, to reduce symptoms and thus achieve improvement more quickly.

How to treat

Treatment for external hemorrhoids is usually done with a warm sitz bath, relieving local pain. If the 'ball' has left the anus, it can be re-introduced with a clean finger, to avoid further complications. The sitz bath will deflate the site and numb it, facilitating the manual introduction process.

However, other measures are also important and are part of the initial treatment, such as avoiding using toilet paper, preferring wet wipes or washing the place with water and soap. Avoid taking weights, avoid using too much force to evacuate, eat more fiber, drink plenty of water, do physical activity and avoid standing or sitting for many hours.

In the most severe cases, when it is not possible to find relief from symptoms with these measures, surgery may be indicated to permanently remove the hemorrhoid. See how surgery is done to remove hemorrhoids without cuts.

Main causes

Hemorrhoids are related to:

  • Sedentary lifestyle; Inflammation of the anal region; Obesity; Chronic constipation; Working long hours on foot; Aging and relaxation of the fibers supporting the anal sphincter; Pregnancy; Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages; Diet low in fiber.

Hemorrhoidal disease affects about half of the adult population, but not all of them have symptoms for a long time. The most common is for people to experience hemorrhoid symptoms once or twice in their lifetime, at times like pregnancy or during a different feeding phase than their usual, for example. However, when a person has a seizure once, they are more likely to develop a new hemorrhoid crisis later.

When to go to the doctor

A medical evaluation is recommended when hemorrhoid symptoms have been present for more than 48 hours and interfere with daily tasks. When it is not possible to find relief from symptoms with the use of medicines, ointments and changes in lifestyle, in just 2 days of treatment, the general practitioner can recommend an appointment with a proctologist to assess the need for surgery and thus achieve a cure. definitive.

External hemorrhoid: what it is, causes and how to treat