Home Bulls What is Mentoplasty and How is Recovery from Surgery

What is Mentoplasty and How is Recovery from Surgery


Mentoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce or increase the size of the chin, in order to make the face more harmonious.

Generally, the surgery lasts an average of 1 hour, depending on the intervention that is done, as well as the applied anesthesia, which can be local or general, and is of quick recovery, if the care recommended by the doctor is taken.

How to prepare for surgery

The preparation for the Minoplasty consists only of fasting at least 2 hours before the surgery, in case the anesthesia is local, or 12 hours, in the case of general anesthesia.

In addition, if the person has a cold, flu or infection, especially near the area to be treated, surgery should be postponed.

How is recovery

Recovery is generally quick, painless or with mild pain that can be relieved with pain relievers. In addition, the person may experience swelling in the region in the first days after surgery. A dressing is also used on the spot, which serves to keep the prosthesis immobilized and / or to protect the region in the first days, and care must be taken not to wet the dressing, if it is not impermeable.

Only one day of rest is necessary, unless the doctor recommends it for a longer time. In the first days, it is also advisable to make a diet with soft, liquid and / or pasty foods, so as not to force the place that was subjected to the procedure too much.

You should also brush your teeth carefully, using a soft brush, which can be childlike, avoid intense sports and avoid shaving and applying makeup within 5 days after surgery.

Is the scar visible?

When the procedure is performed inside the mouth, the scars are hidden and are not visible, however, when the surgery is performed through the skin, the incision is made in the lower part of the chin, with a reddish scar that lasts for the first days. however, if treated well, it is almost invisible.

So, one should avoid getting sun, preferably in the first month after the surgery and, in the following months, one should always use sun protection, and apply the products that are recommended by the doctor.

Possible complications

In rare cases, complications may arise in the postoperative period, such as infection, injuries or hemorrhage, and in such cases, it is necessary to remove the prosthesis.

In addition, although it is also very rare, displacement or exposure of the prosthesis, hardening of the tissues in the region, tenderness in the area or abscesses may occur.

What is Mentoplasty and How is Recovery from Surgery